Thursday, 7 February 2013

Underneath this post are the feed back sheets we received from when we showed the first edit of our title sequence. When we showed our title sequence it was not finished, things such as titles and ending clips had not been added in when we showed it. Also the music was out of time. I think this did have a huge effect on what people thought about it because It was very incomplete. But over all everyone said that it had potential just that fact it had things missing brought it down. From this feedback we now can see what people think are the best parts about our title sequence and the worse, which means we know what to improve, remove and keep. The things we need to work on are:
·      Steadiness of the camera
·      Adding in the titles
·      Placement of the music
·      More varieties of shots (less shots of the letter)

All these points I think can be adjusted quite easily and will improve our title sequence a lot. Apart from adding titles I think the main thing we need to focus on is getting together more shot angles so there is a bigger range of them in our sequence and take away some of the shots of the letter as the feed back said there were too many. I think we are going to remove some of these shots and maybe layer them over the top of other shots that use a different type of angle. I think this will be good to emphasis the loss of Arrow and her fading out of Finns life by the letter looking like its fading away.

Over all the things that people in our class thought worked well are:
·      The clock layered over some of the shots (although some people thought it would be better if the clock was more faded.)
·      Music fitted in well with the genre
·      Genre was portrayed
·      Lighting fitted in well with the genre and mood

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